![]() 06/18/2019 at 13:31 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
These are a few things that I’ve had with me for nearly a decade now. I use them often, if not daily, and I quite like the way they’ve aged.
I did a lot of work in school relating to the choices and applications of real, solid materials based on how they wear and age- developing a story of use throughout a product’s lifecycle. While my work doesn’t pertain to this at present, I still appreciate products that do and tend to select purchases based on durable and servicable designs that will last a long time.
I generally find disposable goods to be one of the saddest, most disappointing things about industrial design and consumerism that we’ve developed yet. I understand there’s a time and a place, but I make an effort to avoid them.
Pictured: Benchmade Griptilian, Black Diamond Neutrino wiregate carabiner, and a Staedtler 2mm lead holder.
So, what have you carried with you over the years that’s developed a story over time? How does it look and what makes it special to you?
![]() 06/18/2019 at 13:36 |
The only thing that would come close for me is the fact I’ve been wearing a watch pretty much daily, since early 2013; however, the particular watch has changed.
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Here’s mine
one can never be too prepared
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I made a mini screw driver in Industrial Arts class in 8th grade when we learned how to use an injection molding machine. I still have it and use it for small screws. It’s not especially high quality steel, but it’s 38 years old. I smile every time I use it because it teaches me that if you use things properly according to their design and take care of them, even mediocre stuff can last.
Not what you were asking exactly, but it brought up that thought.
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I carried a pretty big pocketknife with me when I worked at a marina and for a while before that as well. I used it as a hammer, prybar, screwdriver, bottle opener, and so much more, but it wasn’t a multitool - I just used it that way. It had lots of wear marks but wasn’t destroyed because it was so well made to begin with. It was a Kershaw something or other.
As an example, the tip was broken in just such a way that made it a perfect phillips screwdriver. I sharpened the rest of it but left the tip for that reason.
The serrated part worked great as a wire stripper, and was great for cutting old crusty ropes.
I’m sure I still have it, but in an office job it was a little much to pull out a knife that was around 8" unfolded to open a package or something. Now I’ve got a little Spyderco.
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Not necessarily special yet, but the two I’ve had the longest are the watch and the Ray Bans @ about 7 years now
left to right:
Skagen 233XLTTMC1 titanium case and carbon fiber face
Apple gen 1 AirPods
Tin HiFi T2 Pro IEMs + Apple 3.5 to lightning dongle
Keybar titanium with titanium nitride coating with mini utility razor insert, keyrabiner 2.0 insert, and SAK tweezers and toothpick insert
Civic Si keyless entry key
Matador travel earplugs
Leatherman Charge + TTi Titanium multi-tool with my name laser etch
Ray Ban RB2140 classic wayfarers
Takata FD seat belt wallet made by Harveys
Quadlock iPhone X case
![]() 06/18/2019 at 13:51 |
Some beautiful tools there.
Sadly my little pocket knife I’d been carrying for almost 20 years (on work days in my slacks) went in the trash because I forgot I had it before a concert... It wasn’t anything expensive, but it was a little two-blade design that did its job admirably. In hindsight, I should have gone outside and hid it under a bush, but there was a long line, and I was pissed, and in the heat of the moment... ugh.
Mrs. addiction bought me a nice Case to replace it. I’ve only had to hide it in a bush once (so far). I’ll buy myself a Benchmade one day.
The Gerber Shard on my keychain is a fairly recent addition, but it will be in my pocket for a long time to come.
That Staedtler is really sweet, but I’m a pen guy. Usually have a Uniball vision micro in my pocket (yes, disposable).
![]() 06/18/2019 at 13:51 |
That’s still pretty rad! Anything that you’ve made or had continuously for that amount of time is super cool.
It pertains somewhat, I’m also interested in stories about products/objects.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 13:53 |
no Vibranium cat suit? SAD!
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Bummer to lose a good pal like that. When it comes to pens, I’ve got a Lamy fountain that I rarely use now. I’m more of a Sakura Micron pen guy.
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I don’t like having a lot of stuff in my pockets and I hate things on my belt so things like carabiners are out. I do have a Craftsman mini utility knife that I’ve had for many years as well as a bottle opener on my keychain that I’ve had for...30(!) years. It’s not even a fancy anodized one, it’s just the bottle half of one of these.
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Thoughts on the new Leatherman? I need to get my hands on one to see how I like it.
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Psht. That’s a rookie carry. You need more ammo. Dump the side piece, and carry water. Water and bullets. That’s all you need.
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I recall seeing that watch- it looks sharp.
I’ve continuously worn some sort of Seiko automatic since 2012 or so. It’s been this SNZG15J1 for the past year and a half.
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I made a set that I gave to my dad for Christmas that year, and he still has his, too.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 13:57 |
woah! that’s pretty rad!
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I’ve got a set of those Sakuras. Sweet pens...
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Yeah, I remember when I put that bottle opener on my keychain. It was when I was in the Navy in Orlando and a bunch of us were out paintballing and found ourselves with a bunch of beer and no opener. We had to use picnic tables and car door jambs and such. Much beer was wasted and that did not sit right with me. I originally had a whole one of those openers but the sharp point of the can opener poked holes in my pocket so I took it off.
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A knife of similar size - my current one is an Ontario RAT2 which I have had a few years. I’ve always carried a knife and it has always served me well. I know what I like at this point, slim, durable, inexpensive flippers. I will keep one until I miss place it for a few days. If I find an old knife after I’ve bought a new one (always) I retire the old knife to one of my many purpose filled backpacks that I never use.
A flashlight - Streamlight pen light for work, Streamlight ProTac 2L for everything else. I bought the ProTac because I wanted a nice flashlight and I found it so handy, that I decided to carry it everyday. Beyond light, it also opens beers, and works as a hammer/bashing tool. It will also put a serious hurtin’ on your eyes on the high power setting. It’s special because it works and I have been extremely abusive with it for nearly 10 years. I don’t know if it’s waterproof, but I have used it under water.
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I wore a Tag Formula 1 for 5 years before I got my Rolex.
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I’ve carried the knife, pistol and wallet on me for nearly a decade. The pistol not so much anymore as I don’t really need to. Mr. Lentz leather wallet, Spyderco Endura and one of Austria’s finest. The gloves I fashioned myself years ago from a pair of cheap deerskin work gloves and they’ve held up great as motorcyle gloves.
Also, my Leatherman has been with me every day for quite a while and has saved my ass on more than one occasion.
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I’ve got a US shelby Co P-38 can opener on my keychain I’ve had for nearly 20 years. Bought in in texas at an ARMY surplus for 79 cents. It opens cans, it opens boxes, it acts as a flat screwdriver and a few other tools.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 14:26 |
mine hasnt changed in the 3 years since this post
it’s an iphone8 now, but I still have a modded UAG case with a magnet in it. I still hide an solid state drive in the case, as well as a building access RF tag.
those are my only true EDC.
driving I have keys on me, at work I have d ifferent set of keys on me and a knife.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 14:35 |
I keep a Case Texas Toothpick on me almost all the time. I lost the first one years ago (wife bought me a replacement) and then found it again when we got rid of the old couch. Such a great feeling to see it again and now I have two!
![]() 06/18/2019 at 14:38 |
T hat’s my permanent underarmor, duh . This is for my undercover desk job.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 14:40 |
I had the same experience with a Kershaw Leek, but it was in my in-law’s couch - ha!
![]() 06/18/2019 at 15:24 |
Very interestingly, I came across this article (and blog) randomly this afternoon:
![]() 06/18/2019 at 15:35 |
ah! that’s super cool and exactly the kind of thing i was hoping to see more of. thank you!
![]() 06/18/2019 at 15:37 |
You should have called next day and asked to get in t ouch with event staff. When I worked event staff years ago we had so many confiscated items that pretty much went to whoever wanted them. Kinda shitty really. Only a slightly differentiation from thievery.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 15:46 |
You’re welcome. Isn’t it strange the effect that things can have on us?
A couple of the best ones I’ve read:
![]() 06/18/2019 at 15:49 |
It wasn’t confiscated. They made me physically put it in the trash . I was so pissed (at them, at myself, at the effin’ terrorists that started all this...).
![]() 06/18/2019 at 16:29 |
Damn that’s even worse. When people want to get weapons or booze or drugs in: they will. A normal guy with a pocket knife isn’t a threat. A guy who has nothing at the gate and then later smuggles in a 750ml jack daniels bottle and gets trashed and then throws said jack daniels bottle into the crowd is.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 16:42 |
The killer? It wasn’t even a concert - we were taking the kids to Cirque du Soleil on ice!! Real r ough crowd...
![]() 06/18/2019 at 17:06 |
i like the pencil and knife, but what do you use the carabiner for? keys?
![]() 06/18/2019 at 17:08 |
yes, the carabiner usually holds keys. it’s big enough to clip through a belt loop and tuck the keys into a back pocket so they don’t make noise. it’s good to have in hiking/climbing/biking/camping/ etc situations when i might be concerned about losing keys.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 17:17 |
Wow. Just wow lol.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 21:17 |
I bought my Staedtler 2mm lead holder about 1994. My daughter managed to irreparably disassemble my first one. Lost my little green plant lead pointer ( sharpener) in our last 2 moves :-( So last year I bought a Brass Mobius and Ruppert (M+R) Lead Pointer. Lovely and solid feeling. Also got a new Staedtler 2.0mm Mechanical Pencil Night Blue Series at the same time because nice tools are a joy.
![]() 06/19/2019 at 07:54 |
When I first started work out of college, I bought a box of BIC pens. They’re the blue hued “Round Stic” kind that are a dime a dozen. Well I’ve had the same single pen since 2017. Lost it a few times, recovered it shortly after. It s ink is almost depleted , and I plan on holding a retirement ceremony for it when it finally does.
![]() 06/19/2019 at 09:37 |
Nice tools are a joy!